Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Miss Holly!!

So here she is...Holly our pet shih tzu! We gave her to Blake and Connor for Christmas. They were thrilled. She has become the princess of the household, and somehow has managed to put every single male in our house under her spell.....hoping to get pointers later:0)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

September '07

Well, sooo it begins. Another year of packing lunches, homework, and early mornings. This year Blake is in grade 2 at Greenfield Elementary and Connor, because of the new deadlines on PEI, misses out on starting kindergarten by 6 weeks. Oh well, that just means that he'll be my baby that much longer!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

To Boat or not to Boat...that was Connor's dilemma!

This week we were invited to go boating with our friends, Wayne and Nicole. It took Connor most of the afternoon before he was comewhat convinced that going on a boat was NOT a MAJOR life risk!! Although he white- knuckled my index finger for most of the ride...he did OK.

Captain Blake....tends to swerve a little to the right!!

Captain Connor....too short too actually see where he was going...BUT he looked GOOD!!

Ryan did the water-skiing thing...he did great...however Captain Connor criticized his lack of safety measures when he attempted the one ski thing!

All in all a wonderful evening....Thanks Wayne and Nicole!!!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Summer Time Fun!!

Being a teacher, and having the summer off to hang out with Blake and Connor is wonderful. However, somedays it is hard to figure out what to do to make the day special for them...this year we built a new deck, so we spend lots of time outdoors, hangin' in the backyard. Both of the boys love to swim in the pool, and of course roasting marshmallows at night is always a yummy treat:0)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Hockey Boys!!

 in order to get caught up some of these posts are going to be out of order;)

Blake and Connor LOVE hockey. They play hockey on any surface! They watch hockey! They even love the "Brady, Brady" books...again about hockey. IN FACT my mother's day gift this year was a pink hockey stick ( if you can't beat 'em....) These pics are just random glimpses of my boys doing what they love best......

Thursday, July 12, 2007

School's Out for Summer!!!!

Hello!!!!!! It's been awhile. I sort of got into Facebook, and you all know how bad that can be:) Blake and Connor had a wonderful year at school! Blake passed grade 1 with flying colors and Connor had a lot of fun learning in pre-kindergarten!!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Halloween '06

Curious George meets Dash! The boys had a blast on Halloween. Blake was dressed up as Dash from 'The Incredibles' and Connor was Curious George. We are still, one month later, digging out from all of the treats. Connor has a real feddish for CG, and if you look closely, you can even see a resemblance:) Blake thought it was pretty cool being a super hero, even though he had just come from the doctor with a MAJOR ear infection. We didn't have the heart to make him miss out on the fun!

Connor's 4th Birthday

Mr. Connor turned 4 on October 11, and he had his first "friends" party. He had a blast! His cake of choice was Spiderman, our little man is growing up. He also had a celebration at playschool, so he was feeling like "King for a Day"