Sunday, November 26, 2006

Halloween '06

Curious George meets Dash! The boys had a blast on Halloween. Blake was dressed up as Dash from 'The Incredibles' and Connor was Curious George. We are still, one month later, digging out from all of the treats. Connor has a real feddish for CG, and if you look closely, you can even see a resemblance:) Blake thought it was pretty cool being a super hero, even though he had just come from the doctor with a MAJOR ear infection. We didn't have the heart to make him miss out on the fun!

Connor's 4th Birthday

Mr. Connor turned 4 on October 11, and he had his first "friends" party. He had a blast! His cake of choice was Spiderman, our little man is growing up. He also had a celebration at playschool, so he was feeling like "King for a Day"